Colour Connection | Print

“brown envelope this. white envelope that.” boring!
In the age of instant messaging and email, receiving something through the post should be an exciting experience. If you’re running a direct mail campaign and using plain or standard envelopes, you’re missing one of the best chances to capture the attention of your marketplace.
Make your mail stand out from the doormat by adding custom branding, colours, shapes, fonts, sizes, and materials. Whether you want something bold that leaps off the mat with colours and creativity, or an undeniable quality that begs to be picked up and inspected, branded envelopes are a key part of any postal communication.
Material Spec.
From your standard 90gsm C5 to your padded, board-backed and pre-printed envelopes.
All standard sizes (C6, C5, C4), square and bespoke sizes available.
Window, non-window, self-seal, gummed, printed or blank. Design if required.
Design service available with all our printed products

Free and friendly local delivery

High quality finished goods

Trading since 1982
let’s get started
From simple window envelopes to branded bespoke shaped envelopes, security packages or jiffy bags, we’ll help your marketing leap off the door mat.